Our project stepped into the final stage.
I and dark discussed about the interaction details and main functions of our design, then I made the prototype.

We mainly discussed about how to make it more convenient for users to use and make functions more clear. We also have doubt that if it is a good choice to use the intelligent basket in the store.
The reasons we chose it are
1. Almost each store has the basket and when users plan to buy several things, they will use the basket.
2. Using the basket is much faster than using a cart in the store which fits our design goal.
But the points we need to consider are
1. How we are going to corporate with the stores and if we need to consider about the cost.
2. Is it convenient for users to see when putting the interface on the basket, but actually we have no time to test this to get a good solution.
3. The most aspect we need to consider is the interface design on the basket. If we have time, we need to have user tests about the style and interactions.
Finally, we deleted our function of Fast Pay, because we have had enough functions on this app and we don't have time to research about its detailed technologies.
Then, in order to get our design concept verified, we did user test in a Tesco express.
The reason we choose this store is, it is not too large to confuse users.

157 New Kent Rd, London, SE1 4AG
We firstly let the user get familiar with this store. Then he was told to find the egg.

The user is looking for the cat food in the store
Then he searched in the store for two minutes and didn't find it until asked the staff for help.

Then user was given an indicator of the location of the cat food and he found it very quickly. He said he felt much clear with the map and this can really save time for him.

The detailed map of the Tesco express we recorded is used for building the map prototype and analyzing its partition. It's not big and has indicators on the shelf, but still has unreasonable partition that may confuse consumers.

The shelves for different types of goods are also recorded. We find that, the shelves for small product have more floors which can cost more time to find the specific good.
Therefore, we think our design concept is reasonable and practical.
Our design is an app for helping users fast find goods and get them in the stores. This may lead some consumers who shopping online because of saving time to shop more offline, decreasing the negative effects of home delivery.

long press the icon to get the fast entrance

main interface of the app
Users can see the the goods they record in advance and edit them in this interface.

main interface of the app
User can see the map pf the nearest store to his location in this interface and get a motivation.

the fast entrance to the shopping process
We explored the interactions of iphone and found that, we can set the fast entrance here: right slide the home page. So, when users are going to buy goods, he just need to slide and click to get into the map, saving more time.

The main interface of the map
The map need to show the location of goods and user, routes. When click the good icon, user can get the accurate location on the shelf and also the discount information of goods he tend to buy.

The user can long press the good he don't want to delete it and the route will change.

I made a 3D model of the intelligent basket.

User can scan the code on the basket to connect their app to it and upload the shopping list automatically, then get a map on the interface.

I made this scene to present how it looks like in a real condition and make our design concept more clear to our audience.

We also think, maybe our design may not only used for fast buy for only one person. We can consider about several people buying together in a store. From our experience, when we want to have a party, several people will shop together and for saving time, they will spread. In this condition, we don't know what good have or haven't been picked and where our partners are. So, we can have the map to see what others buy and where they are, users can also leave the message to each other instead of using the phone.
Maybe in the future, we can consider deeper about this.
Then we made the powerpoint for final presentation. I and Dark discussed about what information we need and how to present and organize them.
The presentation starts from the brief and background information we researched before, and shows how we get to our final design and why we choose this pain point. Finally we show our design concept.

Technologies we researched to support our design
Maps like google map and Amap are daily used for guide in open environment, don’t have accurate interior guide. Because of technologies, interior guide need more accurate positioning and faster loading speed. Maps of stores need to be provided by the store managers. They can update the map, label the location and discount Information.
RF indoor positioning infrastructure can be used inside and rack users’ real-time movement and give feedback. Users can select nearby stores on their mobile phones
Then the internal map of the store can be displayed on the phone.