Actually we thought about several concepts.
1. Something like newspaper in the public can be rebuilt as a tool to support users sleep better on the public transport.
2. A kind of small device which can be attached to the earphone to transfer information to the sleepy users in the public transport.
3. A series of small devices which can built a boundary anywhere to enhance a relatively private invisible space.
Our initial idea is an alarm wristband with several functions including station reminder, burglar alarm (put stickers on valuables) and alert when somebody is closing to you.
However, there are limitations:
1. we are over focused on the point of safety instead of better sleep.
2. We can have better design to create an experience for users instead of a product.
The current idea is an app which mainly has two functions:
1. Visualize people’s experiences of sleeping in public to make users understand each other.
2. Time and location alarm to enhance a sense of safety.

Draft of the wireframe
Below is the wireframe I made by Ai

In the home page, user can see experience shared by other people in different places and his own home page.

These two kinds of alarms based on location and time help wake up users.

After the alarm stopped, user can record his experience.
However, I think there are some problems:
1. We didn't research very carefully about people's idea to other people sleeping in different places, We have no support for this function.
2. There are apps for alarm on the public transport on the market, we didn't research on them deeply and may be there's no obvious advantage for us.
3. We didn't get a very clear design goal in this app, like just combining two functions together. We are going to help people sleep? or encourage people sleep?
Still a lot of thing need to consider about.