First week, we did researches about the garden.
We browsed the official website of the garden and we found
1. The website doesn't give enough professional knowledge about medical plants.
2. The official website shows a goal of garden which is giving a sense of exploration for users.
We searched for some basic knowledge about botanical garden.
1. They try to spread knowledge about plants to visitors.
2. They save some endangered plants.
3. They study on the application of plants in science.
Then we did researches in the garden.
We observed in the garden and recorded users behavior.

photos taken in the garden of users' behavior
We found that
1. when they are using the audio guide, it's not convenient to use phone to take photos.
2. children use the brochure from the garden to explore plants.
3. Users tend to be closed to observe plants because some are small and serried.
4. They tend to touch though there's a sign showing not to touch
1. users want more information about plants
2. Users want to be know plants in another ways, not only read signs.
3. There's a feeling of exploring in the jungle.
We interviewed with several users with different ages and genders.

users interviewed in the garden and one voice record

The text record of interviews I cleared up and signed the key information
We found that
1. Users enjoy the natural environment and want to avoid too much artificial and digital staff.
2. User are generally satisfied with the garden.
3. Users actually don't know too much about medical plants.
Based on these information, we have to consider how to balance digital staff with nature in this garden. We cannot destroy the original natural environment of the garden but spread useful information to users.
We go through the garden and record details.

The layout of the garden

Different ways of the garden to show information about plants to visitors
1. Some plants are small and serried which are not easy to observe.
2. Signs are easy to be covered by leaves and very small though users think it's ok.
3. The environment is very natural and comfortable without digital devices.
4. The garden has brochures and work shop for children to explore plants.
1. The garden want to give a sense of exploration to visitors.
2. Heavy digital devices should be avoided, keeping the natural feeling of the garden.
3. Information about plants isn't spread to visitors very effectively.
In the beginning, we were thinking that we might design a sauna, or a digital house in the garden to give chances for experiencing more about plants, like fragrance or drug action. However, after analyzing these information, we thought these were infeasible. Then we planned to discuss our ideas later.